- Allah loves those who remember Him much, those who supplicate to Him and seek His forgiveness.
- Recite the Noble Quran as much as you can - even if you only know a little for verily it is the speech of your Lord, may He be glorified.
- After the prayer say, "Astaghffirullah" (i.e. Allah forgive me) three times and then say, "Allahumma Antassalam Wa Minkassalam Tabarakta Yathal Jalali Wal ikram" (i.e. O Allah, you are The source of Peace and from You comes Peace, blessed are You, the Exalted, the Most Generous) then say, "Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu akbar" thirty three times for each (i.e. Allah is far from every imperfection, thanks and gratitude are due to Allah, Allah is the Most Great). Then finally say, "La ilaha illallah wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadeer" (i.e. There is no true diety worthy of worship except Allah, Who has no partner, for Whom is the dominion, and to Whom thanks and gratitude are due, and He is able to do something).
- From the remembrance of Allah, that is best in reward is to say, "La ilaha illallahu wahdahu lashareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wahuwa ala kuli shai'in qadeer" ten times each day.
- Also say one hundred times everyday, "Subhanallahi wabihamdih" (i.e. far be Allah from every imperfection and may His praises be glorified).
- One of the best supplications is this supplication which Allah has taught us in the second chapter of the Noble Quran, "Rabbana Atina FIddunya Hassanah Wafill Akhirati Hassanah Waqina Athabannar" (i.e. O Allah give us food in this world and good in the Hereafter and protect us from the torment of the fire), 2:201. Also, this supplication from the third chapter, "Rabbana La Tuzigh qulubana Ba'da Ith Hadaitana Wa Hablana Min Ladunkka Rahmatan Innaka Antal Wahhab" (i.e. O Lord, let not our hearts deviate after you have guided us, and grant us mercy from you. Truly are the Bestower), 3:8. Also say, "Rabbana innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Thunubana Waqina Athabannar" (i.e. O Lord we have indeed believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire), 3:16. The Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, used to say, "Ya Muqallibal qulub Thabbit qalbi 'Ala Deenik" (i.e. O (Allah) who has full control of hearts, keep our hearts firmly on your religion (straight path).
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Compassionate
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Supplications and Remembrance of Allah
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Very informative. I love Islam.
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