- The Muslim is always clean, likes to smell pleasant, look smart, and regularly brushes his teeth using the Siwak or toothbrush. He trims his nails, removes pubic and armpit hair. He trims his mustache and does not shave or shorten one part of the head while leaving another part (i.e. the hair must be of equal length). The Muslim must be circumcised. He keeps fit and healthy and never imitates the disbelievers.
- From the important manners enjoined by Islam is to keep roads and public places clean, to not harm oneself or others, and to maintain general peace and order.
- The Muslim uses his right hand in eating and drinking, giving and taking, and in all his dealings with others. When observing hygiene (e.g. Wudhu, bathing, clothing, combing, and shaving), the Muslim begins with the right handside of his body. Even upon entering the mosque he puts his right foot first just like the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, used to do.
- When you intend to sleep, it is recommended to perform Wudhu first, then lie on your right side.
- Say, "Bismillah" (i.e. in the name of Allah) before eating, drinking and sleeping. Also when taking clothes off, mounting an animal or driving a vehicle, stumbling or tripping over something, having sexual intercourse with your wife, when slaughtering, performing Wudhu, entering or leaving the house or mosque.
- When you finish eating or drinking say, "Alhamdulillah" (i.e. thanks and gratitude be to Allah).
- When you sneeze say, "Alhamdulillah" and when your Muslim brother says the same after having sneezed you respond by saying, "Yarhamukallah" (i.e. may Allah have mercy on you). But if you sneeze and a Muslim asks mercy on you, then you are to respond by saying, "Yahdeekallah" (i.e. may Allah guide you to the right path).
- From the manners of a Muslim is that he covers his mouth when yawning.
- If you mention the name of the prophet or he is mentioned in your presence say, "Sallallahu Aleihi wasallam" (i.e. may Allah exalt his mention and render him safe).
- You must be in a state of purification when reciting the Quran. Recite the Quran in the proper manner and when it is being recited in your presence, listen to it attentively.
- Once it is time for prayer, calmly walk to the mosque and make sure you are clean and well dressed. Avoid bringing any unpleasant smells with you to the mosque and do not talk about business transactions as long as you are in the mosque. It is highly recommended for Friday prayer that you have a full bath, wear perfume, and listen carefully to the khutbah (Friday sermon).
- A Muslim must always ask for permission before entering other people's houses or using their belongings.
- When you meet a Muslim, shake his hand, smile and, without bowing, say. "Assalamu Alaikum" (i.e. peace be upon you). If a Muslim greets you first then respond with, "Wa Alaikum Assalam" (i.e. peace be with you too). Again, when you leave say, "Assalamu Alaikum".
- Islam enjoins these manners: seeing the traveler off, congratulating Muslims on happy occasions like marriage, birth and success.
- Visit patients and say, "La ba'ss, tahoor Insha' Allah" (i.e. never mind, illness is purification from sins, by Allah's will).
- If a calamity befalls you or if any of your beloved ones dies say, "Innalillahi Wa inna ilaihe Raaji'oon" (i.e. To Allah we belong, and to Him is our final return).
- Be kind to your guest, respect the elder, be compassionate with children, help the needy, and have mercy for animals.
- Apologized to whomever you may have offended and thank whosoever helped or advised you and say, "Jazakallahu Khairan" (i.e. may Allah reward you with good).
- From the manners of Islam, is to speak and listen well, and to consult others (when you are making a decision) if there is a need to do so.
- Suppress your anger and if someone makes you angry say, "A'uthu Billahi Min ashaita Nirrajeem" (i.e. I seek refuge from the evil of the Satan).
- Do not change your name just because you have become a Muslim unless it is considered inappropriate by Islam like 'Abd Issa (i.e. the slave of Jesus).
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Compassionate
Many Muslims need this Blog, especially those who have just embraced Islam. In this blog , Islam is introduced briefly but comprehensively to non-Muslims so that they may choose, by the will of Allah, the path to Happiness and Success.

Muslim Ethics and Behaviour
Muslim Ethics and Behaviour
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